Page 613 — Short Term Prosperity
I'm considering, just considering, trying to get some designs for merchandise going for things like t-shirts and whatnot through services like Spreadshirt or Zazzle. Being not an artist but knowing a lot of artists through all this work, it's an avenue I'm looking at carefully and with the intention to involve partners who can make designs. And here's where I feel out for anyone who might be interested in that/might have any ideas for what would make good products in this vein.
The next Mawlers Take Manehattan episode should be up today!
Session 2 — Wrecking Crew: Libsyn YouTube
Transcript:Rainbow Dash: Hmm…
Applejack: Whatcha thinking, Miss "Neck'n'-Neck?" Or maybe I can guess… We've got the same Athletics score, started with the same number of these "Stamina" points the DM gave us, got the same ways to use them to modify or boost our rolls, and have been usin' them in pretty much the same optimized way. That's why we're neck'n'-neck. So you're probably wonderin' the same thing I'm wonderin'…
Rainbow Dash: How do we win? Heh. The only way you'd never expect from me.
Applejack: And what's that?
Rainbow Dash: Roleplaying!