Page 741 — All-Natural Disaster
In most normal games, the players are hungry for whatever details about the current situation they can get their hands on, but sometimes things get in the way of the DM explaining what they want to explain. Usually a tangent or a slightly more pressing problem. What's worse is if you have to explain something lengthy and involved from start to finish more than once… which happens regularly in online conference call games.
Transcript:Rainbow Dash: Tornadoes, baby!
DM: <sigh> That's right. A very precise and powerful tornado launches the water from the local reservoir and up to Cloudsdale.
Applejack: That… works?
DM: I mean, it's magical fantasy land physics, but it's an extrapolation of the idea that strong cyclones can lift water. The word of the day today is "wingpower," a pegasus's speed-to-lift potential. All of the pegasi have to imbue the tornado with a minimum total of 800 wingpower to deliver that water.
Rainbow Dash: But! The captain of the Wonderbolts will be there watching and measuring our top speed. The current record is 910. But if we can break 1000… That'll make Ponyville's pegasi – including ME – notable enough to get me a ticket to the Gala.
DM: Phew. Finally got that exposition over with.