Seabreeze's frustrations and resulting actions in the episode become easy to understand once you realize he was stuck on a long trip with a group of random volunteers he didn't know.
DM: The "leader" looks at Fluttershy in confusion. Seabreeze: Mugudi saikendus? DM: "You understand our language?" Fluttershy: Oh, I can understand all kinds of creatures! Seabreeze: Ooh, you must be so proud. Pinkie Pie: Sassy! Fluttershy: Um… yes, I am. You can speak our language too? Seabreeze: I can. They can understand YOU, but other than that, they only seem to know "tourist" Pony. Breezie 1: Excuse. Breezie 2: I do not understand. Breezie 3: Where are the bathrooms? Seabreeze: Of all the Breezies to be stuck with, I get the group that didn't pass Pony 1-2.
Upvotes at import: 7 | Stars at import: 6 Posted previously at: 2019-09-07T20:47:29
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