Artist's description from DA:After (finally) watching the MLP finale, there were so many throughts running through my mind. "Holy shit that was pretty good actually! Lyra and Bonbon are canon! Fuck you Cozy Glow! Discord you're an idiot! I HATE TWILIGHT'S AND SPIKE'S GROWN UP FORMS!"
….that last one was overexaggerated for comedic effect. BUT regardless of comedic effect, it is sadly true… I wasn't a massive fan of Twilight's adult alicorn form or Spike's adult form. Did I hate them? ….Nnnnnot necessarily but they just gave a weird vibe. Spike's form was uncomfortably muscular and square and he just looked kinda goofy, and Twilight's was literally just a copy of Celestia's model which just felt kinda cheap. I understand why since she's her student and all, but I would've liked to see a more original form for her.
So for my AU and comic, Twilight and Spike got a bit of a redesign. Twilight is still larger than the average pony, but she's not the size of Celestia. She's a little more compact, and her mane is still normal hair (though still a little flowy and floaty because, y'know, magic). And she got glasses cause all that book reading puts a strain on your eyes, man.
Spike on the other hand got a VERY big change, where he's a little more quadrupedal and much, much bigger and dragon-like. He can't fit on Twilight's back anymore, but he does give great hugs.
I'd love to do a full reference of Celestia, Luna and Orion, too! But the next one owuld probably be Flurry Heart or Cadance. This AU is set in the same-ish timespace as during the epilogue finale, which I personally headcanon to be between 20-25 years ish. So I'd imagine Flurry Heart most likely would've grown a bit by now!