Princess Skysparkle (full name "Skylight Sparkle") is the main ruler of the Starpony Kingdom (aka "Stellequestria"). She rules alongside her son Prince Endearment, her niece Princess Teatime, and her adoptive daughter Princess Honeymoon. Nightlight and White Night are practically her godchildren. They rank among her special students, and she is training both to be potential rulers.
Skysparkle sees herself as a mother for her kingdom. But she is even more than that — she is a mother who wants to be our best friend! Endearment and Teatime also see themselves as parents for their subjects — wanting to be their subjects' best friends.
Skysparkle is 1008 years old. Her son is 876, and her niece is 872. Honeymoon really is the baby of the group: She is only seven years older than White Night. Honeymoon also wants to be a best friend for her fellow creatures.
Nightlight feels much closer to Skysparkle than to her own mother. She feels much closer to White Night than to her own father. Her parents don't really know how to connect with her.
They had little problem raising White Night because he was generally eager to win others' affection. Nightlight often lost her temper when things didn't go her way. She and her brother are much more powerful, and she could easily terrorize her parents without her brother to stop her. Over time, Nightlight has started to realize how much she has harmed her parents. The more she recognizes those who love her, the more she realizes she must do the same.
For years, her big brother was one of few to win her affection. She can hardly hug her parents, but she loves when her big brother squeezes her. Skysparkle and her co-rulers have also found their special places in her heart. She enjoys all of their hugs!
Years ago, Nightlight was diagnosed with Unicorn Syndrome — the pony equivalent of Asperger's Syndrome. Her parents may have weaker forms of the syndrome, but they have never been diagnosed. Mr. and Mrs. Guidelight did not tend to seek their children's affection. Rather, White Night was the initiator, and they often played along. White Night was so outgoing that he did not notice his parents' trouble connecting with others. This started to change once he had to assume the lead in caring for his little sister.
Skysparkle and her co-rulers have been working with Mr. and Mrs. Guidelight to improve their sense of friendship. Funnily enough, White Night finds it harder to reach out to his own parents than to his own sister. Maybe it has to do with his parents' pride in being the older adults. White Night teaches his sister that life is made for friendship. He did not learn this from his parents — he learned it from Skysparkle. Maybe his parents just don't appreciate friendship the way his sister is starting to.
Starponys: Friends with Unicorn Syndrome / Crowns of Friendship © and ™ of M. Wayne Howell ([email protected]), along with all characters therein.
Drawings by Parcly Taxel.
Slackey Pro © Font Diner –