Page 1417 — Right Behind You
15th Aug 2020, 6:00 AM
It's my birthday once again, it seems. And on par for this hell-year, everything's very weird and tense.
I'll have a State of the Spud post probably up by this point (and as a warning, it's probably going to be really, really sad, even for me), but either way: Thanks for still reading and/or supporting this weird little webcomic. As always, it's keeping me going.
Transcript:DM: Before you do take that mulligan, could I have you roll Perception?
Twilight Sparkle: Uh… <roll> 19?
DM: Carry on.
Twilight Sparkle: Ooooooo…kay… Listen, Shining. I was just wondering… Have you noticed anything different about–?
Princess Cadance: *A-HEM.*
Twilight Sparkle: Are… you… *KIDDING* me?!
DM: Nope. You turn around and see Cadance at the top of the second-story landing. Almost as if out of nowhere. You could have sworn that the rest of the house was completely empty.
Shining Armor: Oh, hi honey! Didn't realize you were back already.
Twilight Sparkle: I really didn't sense anything?
DM: No hoofsteps, no creaking floorboards, no telltale signs of teleporation, nothing.
Twilight Sparkle: So it's doubly confirmed that she's very stealthy, then.
DM: Doubly inferable, but yes.