Your beloved foal has accidentally unleashed a spell that has transformed
the whole populous into their opposite genders?
All eyes looking at you some scowling, some in shock and some wrinkled to bursting with the hilarity of the situation…
NO PRESSURE running a kindom, pfft easy can be done in our sleep but fixing this and trying to reassure the masses… that won't be quite a piece of proverbial cake as usual.
Queen Galaxia is a mother first and a ruler second, first she or erm, HE needs to make sure little Prince Tommy is ok and escort him to the safety of Tashie and Candy and reassure him that she will fix this and calm everypony down.
Next she has to cut through the chaos and noise with that 4X amplified royal voice of hers and listen to all fears and questions everypony must have. then it's on to allocating roles to make sure they have the best chance of fixing this little incident.
Being in a kings body isn't half bad actually and how uncomfortable Speedy is kinda makes it all worth it :P (Lick) and you just know Celly is secretly clapping her hooves at the chaos that has ensued and grabbed some popcorn for the ride. Cady is trying to keep everyone calm whilst Twi and Luna are overun with panic and an overwhelming urge to abandon ship and give Tommy the biggest snuzzle and preen he's ever had and to wipe the tears streaming down his little face. What a show that mind must be right now.
A lovely little illustration and description written and done by the always stunning :iconrainbowtashie: