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Import art from other Boorus

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Hello there,
we wrote a tool which can automatically import your art from other imageboards (for example derpibooru) into Manebooru. It mostly automatically filters out stuff which is not allowed here on this site and also adjusts tags if needed.
Image IDs are copied and descriptions contain the original description, who uploaded it when and how many favorites/upvotes it had.

If you want your art to be imported, please either send us an email (see https://manebooru.art/pages/contact ), contact me on Discord, or (if you are verified already) post your artist name tag here in the forum.

We can also import the art of your favorite artists, if you asked them for permission and have a screenshot, a public tweet or similar as proof.

This is only an optional offer, which is supposed to help you migrate your content and thus get more people to see your art!
Early Bird - Among the first 500 members to join.
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Site Moderator
Hi, hope it's alright I do this. I'm still trying to find my place among the many boorus after what happened at Derpi.
Would it be possible for you guys to import all my art from Twibooru and delete images as needed? They uploaded ALL of my art on my old tag Th3BlueRose, even old ychs and I'd really prefer to have control over it on any booru that I have an account on. However I have over 100 pieces of art and it would take me quite awhile to upload them all, tag em properly, and then resort to filing deletion requests. Could you get all my pics from Twibooru then I'll decide which ones to report for deletion over time? The tag I want imported would be Th3BlueRose

Also, not sure if this is the right place to do this, but I have dupes on my user links as I kept accidentally doing multiple attempts to register my separate tags. I just want links for each tags, not dupes.
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Hey there,
I'll gladly try my best at adjusting the importier so that it works for Twibooru, too. Their website uses a different/older software (Booru on Rails), so that the code will be a bit different. Adding this feature to the importer will probably benefit other artists too, so it is definitely worth the work. I am a bit busy this afternoon, so I will most likely do those adjustments tomorrow.

You can "report" any of your art on manebooru whenever you want and we will of course comply with the request and delete the art or "transfer" it to your username. You are the artist, so it is your choice.

I think Alamais already contacted you here on manebooru by direct-message regarding the duplicate user links. If there is anything left to do, feel free to reply here.
Early Bird - Among the first 500 members to join.
Artist -

Site Moderator
Sweet. I'll wait for the import and report/request stuff when they're ready! I'm certain coding probably takes a lot so I have no problems waiting ^^ Thank you all for being so helpful and respectful as well <3
Early Bird - Among the first 500 members to join.

Is there a process for art you commissioned that's on Derpibooru, and got the go-ahead earlier from the artists to post wherever?
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If thats only a few images, you can just go ahead and upload these images manually — that would probably be the easiest and fastest way. If those images have an OC tag or anything similar so that they can easily be found by the import tool, you can just post these here and we will handle the rest for you.
Early Bird - Among the first 500 members to join.

I have about 170 commissions across two boorus (Derpi and Furbooru). For Derpi, it's under "gallery_id:13100" and in Furbooru it's under "gallery_id:16". Would it be possible to mass-import these?
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Site Administrator
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sure, we'll import these images tomorrow morning. (Sorry for my late reply, I was quite busy with my day-job)
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yes, a gallery or artist name or similar expression that can be easily searched for would be perfect. That will work for (afaik) any imageboard which is based on Philomena or Booru-On-Rails.
Early Bird - Among the first 500 members to join.
Artist -

This is a really neat action you guys came up with!

Could I please request my art be transferred from Derpibooru? ( https://derpibooru.org/profiles/EyesoreForTheBlind / artist:eyesorefortheblind ) I'll need to "report" some really old stuff that I no longer wish to be posted as well, if that's okay.
Founding Member - Here since the beginning.
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I've added your name to the import list, it will be handled sometime next week as Twilight is currently unavailable. In the meantime I hope Manebooru can be useful and enjoyable in other ways.
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yes, will do that tomorrow. I was travelling during the last week mostly without internet and thus it had to wait, sorry
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Site Administrator
Site Developer
The requested art should all be imported now. If there is any imported art which you want changed or removed (or change the uploader name to your name), please just use the report button on the image so that a mod can do as you wish.

The art album from furbooru also got imported as requested.
Early Bird - Among the first 500 members to join.

Literary Siren
I'm unsure that things are going as intended with importing art, or maybe I misunderstand intentions. Namely, as far as I could gather, the intention was to only bring art over when artists have given permission to import it. The artist Hoofclid is a friend of mine, and 89 images of his were imported from Derpibooru without him knowing about it. Now, I don't mean to say those images should be deleted, he did say he was fine with it when I asked him, just that he was unaware it had happened. What I'm saying is that current operations don't make sense to me. If we're importing art without asking artists like other boorus are doing, then we should be importing a lot more art. But if we're only doing so when we have artist permission, how was Hoofclid's art imported without his being aware of it?

As a matter of opinion (although I'm well aware my opinion counts for nothing here), importing art from artists who are not DNP shouldn't be a problem, and would get us to much of the bulk of art that other boorus have.
Founding Member - Here since the beginning.
Artist -

I'm unsure that things are going as intended with importing art, or maybe I misunderstand intentions. Namely, as far as I could gather, the intention was to only bring art over when artists have given permission to import it. The artist Hoofclid is a friend of mine, and 89 images of his were imported from Derpibooru without him knowing about it. Now, I don't mean to say those images should be deleted, he did say he was fine with it when I asked him, just that he was unaware it had happened. What I'm saying is that current operations don't make sense to me. If we're importing art without asking artists like other boorus are doing, then we should be importing a lot more art. But if we're only doing so when we have artist permission, how was Hoofclid's art imported without his being aware of it?

We imported art from a few hundred artists that haven't made pony art in a year or more (and we keep doing so when we find additional ones), and it looks like Hoofclid was mistakenly flagged as one. Probably one of us read some dates wrong and screwed up the math. We apologise for the mistake.
The idea in this was preservation, and that contacting artists that have potentially left the fandom would not be feasible. As always artist preference has priority, so it's easier to fix a false positive like this than to contact all those people and wait for a response that might never come.

As a matter of opinion (although I'm well aware my opinion counts for nothing here), importing art from artists who are not DNP shouldn't be a problem, and would get us to much of the bulk of art that other boorus have.

I personally agree that anyone without a DNP shouldn't be a problem, but the team has good reasons to be cautious. We don't want to seem presumptuous or come across as disingenuous, or hurt or relationship with artists. There are many artist we've contacted asking for permission that have never replied or gotten back to us, despite being active, so we're stuck in an impossible situation. "Silence is consent" is not an appealing policy to have, but getting permission for everything is also not feasible. We're still trying to figure out a good middle ground.
Founding Member - Here since the beginning.
Artist -

In continuation to the previous post: we've just gone ahead and imported the art of a dozen or so artists with absolutely no DNP on Derpi, a few of them fairly popular. We are gonna see how it plays out.
Early Bird - Among the first 500 members to join.

A literal month later, here it is

Turns out a bunch were taken off Derpibooru with DNPs, so I'm asking those artists for permission to upload those.
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