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Site Developer
Hello there! As usual for imageboards, users can choose what types of content they want to see using filters.
At the top of the website, you can click on "Filters" and choose what you want to see. Depending on in what country you live and how old you are, there might be certain legal limits to what you may look at — choosing the right filter thus allows you to enjoy the content that you like and which you are legally allowed to view.
You can also create your own filter to filter out or spoiler certain tags which you don't like or just don't want to see.
The "Default" filter is made to suit visitors of all ages in most countries.
At the top of the website, you can click on "Filters" and choose what you want to see. Depending on in what country you live and how old you are, there might be certain legal limits to what you may look at — choosing the right filter thus allows you to enjoy the content that you like and which you are legally allowed to view.
You can also create your own filter to filter out or spoiler certain tags which you don't like or just don't want to see.
The "Default" filter is made to suit visitors of all ages in most countries.