A MEGAUPLOAD! 9 Ponies, all from 'Canterlot Boutique'; Sassy Saddles, Silver Lining, Cayenne Cynic, Moonlight Raven & Sunshine Smiles, Elegant Eiffel, Frazzle Rock, Pristine Pretzel and Citrine Blush. Several other ponies were considered, but I felt like 9 ponies was well within reasonably large. So, let's go down the line in terms of design
Sassy Saddles is one of the most lithe and skinny ponies I've drawn in the Unique Style, intentionally so, given her modeling nature and having a thinner snout than even Fleur De Lis and Luna in terms of design, it felt appropriate.
Silver Lining was given fluff everywhere because I just picture as a ball of fluff with adorableness written on every inch. Her horn is still short as in canon, but longer due to the general length of unicorn horns in my style. She has a short tail and tiny hooves, just like in canon.
Cayenne Cynic was given a more angular appearance due to her rough and generally bitchy nature, as well as her sharp cut hair feeling as though it fit to give her a boxier look.
Moonlight Raven & Sunshine Smiles are sisters, so they were drawn together, with roughly the same proportions, similar noses and both sharing pegasi features from their mother, both having tailfeathers and Raven having shoulder feathers, while I gave Sunshine more spiky fetlocks and eyelashes to fit with the sun theme.
Architecture Pony, or, as I call her, Elegant Eiffel (due to her drafting compass looking similar to the Eiffel tower and her…. architectural nature and interest in the In-spire-ation dress) is half Earth Pony, lacking cloven hooves, she has an extremely long, towering horn and sharp and tall features.
Frazzle Rock was drawn with eyes inside her glasses as a choice from drawings past.
Pristine Pretzel (nickname; Prissy Pretzel) lacks cloven hooves and has shoulder feathers, slightly pudgier than average.
Citrine Blush is also a bit pudgy, but is a standard unicorn otherwise.
Heavily inspired bystyle, especially with the tails and stuff. But I tried to make my own thing and shit.
Rules of the style?:
Unicorns all have cloven hooves with trailing fetlocks and tails unless they're a halfbreed, in which case, they can be born with a standard tail and hooves. They can also be born with chest and tail feathers if they're part pegasus
Alicorns have both tail feathers and unicorn tails and hooves, as well as earth pony strength.
Pegasi have feathers instead of fetlocks and have feathers on their chest and shoulders instead of fur. Feathers are the color of their mane. Halfbreeds can have feathered tails or chest feathers too or even non feathered chests and/or hooves (But all pegasi (halfbreed or not) have tail feathers.)
Hooves are the color of their eyes and horseshoes match their cutie mark's main color. Cutie Markless ponies have grey horseshoes. Not silver (which contains blue) but just plain grey.
Ponies with unshorn fetlocks in canon (like Big Macintosh) keep their hoof colors from canon, but are rare exceptions to the rule.