I saw a video by JCP React showing a promo for the new EQG special. One of the scenes showed Watermelody, "Starlight", Paisley, and Zephyr in the same outfits from the beach shorts. That inspired me to go back to getting the right artists to make vectors out of these images. I already made a journal about it. Here it is:
"I have a few ideas for vectors:
1. A few vectors of Sunset minus the cloth wrap, in the second half of Unsolved Selfie Mysteries.
2. Swimsuit Lyra minus the surfboard, from Turf War.
3. Paisley from Lost and Found.
I guess that's it, though I might think up some more. Still, who should do them? Commission accepters like Iron, jhay, and luck are probably off the list. And I'm probably taking ilaria off since she doesn't want to do requests. wonders if she might think of a reason that I should include her I'm still taking Chopsticks off the list because of how hard and how long he spent making that swimsuit Derpy vector.
ARCGaming91, CaticornQueen00, tyler2135, JJtheSNKKid, Brandon, Kaijufanboy17, hunter, Super, Ilove,, if any of you get this, who should make the vectors? EStories? Zacatron94? SLB? Dashie? Tardi? Vectorshy? Lime? LimeDazzle? liniitadash23? Vector-Brony? Trite? SketchM? TheArtsy? KeronianNiroro? WhalePornoz? sunshi? Just who?"
Hopefully, these images will get vectors. I'm going to look forward to it. Still, which of you would be willing to do the vectors, or commission the artists in my place to do so? Which of you know any artists that take requests? Please tell me in the comments section.
Made with DeviantArt muro