"New addition for my Season 6 Episode Art!
Season 6, Episode 6: No Second Prances
For more info on my episode art: MLP:FIM Season 5 Episode Art Streams
This episode was pretty great… and powerful.
The dynamic with Trixie's facade worked quite well, hah. Brought some interesting
back-n-forth moments, wrong things being said at the wrong time, her being a bit
misunderstood, at times revealing a bit of her softer nature underneath. I
suppose since she is a show pony, she's used to hiding a lot from the public.
There seemed to be a slight dark tone, though, when she threw everything
away in the Manticore once she lost here friend! Well, not necessarily
have to read into it like that, but it's possible to do so heh. Then there
was Twilight forcing stuff haha, and the fun little addition that was Celestia :XD:
All in all, quite the joy to watch.
As for my art, decided to make this new specimen of Manticore! With bushy eyebrows
and horns this time around! Feels like I went with a simpler, rougher, quicker art
style again. Not sure if just lazy, or avoiding additional work (composition changed),
or something. I suppose the focus was the dynamic of the composition, as opposed to
a refined character. But I still feel like I could've cleaned it up more here and
there, or at least something. Either way, as long as the result is enjoyed right?
Anyhow, hope y'all enjoyed the episode, and the third appearance
of the great and powerful! We may just see her even more now, hehe." -AssasinMonkey
*Approx time: 7 hours
Photoshop CC*