This are some of the candidates in the big competition that I’m still planning.
Dominant (Pet Holder) Partner (Pet)
Rainbow Dash Blossomforth
Twilight Sparkle Moondancer
Trixie Sunset Shimmer
Pinkamena Diana Pie Maud Pie
Rarity Roseluck
Tree Hugger Fluttershy
Crystal Blitz (OC) Lada Mycrine (OC)
Diamond Tiara Silver Spoon
Lightning Dust Fleetfoot (Indigo Zap in Special Rounds)
Cloudchaser Flitter
Suri Polomare Coco Pommel
Gara (OC) Sean (OC)
Green Screen (OC) Citrus Blush
Slide Fortissimo (OC) Shadow Flint (OC)
Vinyl Scratch Octavia
Sonata Dusk Northern Haste
Adaggio Dazzle Aria Blaze
Babs Seed Applebloom
Caramel Sassaflash
Drive (OC) Terra (OC) (Chrysalis Special Rounds)
Carrot Top Applejack
Scootaloo Sweetie Belle
Sapphire Shores Countess Coloratura
Sage Archer Starlight Glimmer
There are still coming more.
Like some background ponys (From Ponyville, Canterlot and Manehattan)
and Ocs
If you want your Oc in this competition send me a picture of your Oc and I will creat something with him or her.
Help me out, and please visit my Patreon
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