Pay attention while Cherilee shows you the basics of integration… oh wait.
I thoroughly enjoyed this episode on the basis of its humorous nature alone. I tend to side with Fluttershy in that I don't mind inoffensive pranks every once in a while, but Rainbow Dash clearly went overboard. Too much of anything is never a good idea, as the saying goes.
This took a good amount of work, but I'm pleased with the result. There were a few troublesome spots, but I'll probably make things worse if I keep fiddling around with them. Also, I borrowed Cherilee's cutie mark from juniberries on DA. Even though she said crediting wasn't necessary, I'm still going to do it:
On another note, I'll be vectoring something from episode 13 in the next few days. Be on the lookout for said upload.
That's all she wrote. Have a superb day everypony!
SVG available here:
not provided yet