This was a very exciting and wonderful episode to boot. It was high time ponies cast their grudges and prejudice aside and make amends with this changeling outsider. He did mention plans to befriend the rest of his kin, so I wonder if the writers will continue this plot line in the future. Is it possible that Chrysalis will experience a heel-face turn thanks to his efforts and become an ally?
The one thing that troubled me was Spike's reluctance to speak up for Thorax in light of the consequences. I guess that can be described as a selfish act, and it's not the first time he's behaved in such a manner. That's one main reason why he's not my most favorite character. He sure can go overboard when issuing orders on Twilight's behalf but he can't stick up for a buddy, no sir. Anyhow, I digress.
I am currently working on a vector from Stranger Than Fan Fiction. If I don't manage to finish it by tomorrow, it will certainly be complete by Wednesday.
Have an uplifting day/night everypony!
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