(artist's information)
"Mothers of Harmony" character bio #5: Rainbow Dash's mother.
BIO: Firefly is an excitable and adventurous Pegasus. A retired member of the Wonderbolts and a direct descendant of Wonderbolts founder General Firefly, Firefly loves to fly through the sky and bring smiles and laughter to ponies with her aerobatic feats. During her time with the Wonderbolts, Firefly's closest partner was a wingpony named Rainbow Blaze, and the two were well-known for revolutionizing several coordinated partner maneuvers. Unfortunately, Firefly's career ended far earlier than expected when, during one of her performances, she flew too high into the Equestrian atmosphere and suffered severe frostbite and nerve damage to her wings, causing them to become discolored and extremely sensitive. From then on, she couldn't fly much faster than the average Pegasus or else risk permanent damage to her wings. Forced into early retirement, Firefly got married to Rainbow Blaze and settled down and raise a family. However, bringing laughter to other ponies with sunny weather and rainbows is still her greatest passion.
ELEMENT: Laughter
DESIGN: Like many MLP fans, I like the idea of Rainbow Dash's mother being G1 Firefly. Unlike many MLP fans, however, I'm not satisfied with her simply being Rainbow Dash with a palette swap. So while I retained her G1 color scheme, I gave her a different mane and tail style, extra shades of blue, and off-color wing feathers for a bit of variety.