Hello again, ppl of the internet! I thought it'll be okay to upload a prequel comic from my latest one since 1) it was originally my main idea for my friend's request and 2) I just liked on how I made this picture with the expressions so I would hate for it to go to waste. I've already mentioned that the play did drove me to make a backstory and I felt it's a bit of a follow-up to one of my favorite pictures maybe…. Knowingly I mentioned that the Bolts were at Camp Everfree, I felt the need to update a bit on the outfits. For Lemon's shirt, it's funny on how my previous picture seems to closely resemble Camp Everfree's t-shrts, yet I got it from a vector that was posted not too long ago… As for Indigo's Everfree unifrom, I got it from here as I felt like the color schemes seems to suit her (blue, orange and black). Now, I took a long time to make this and not b/c it's a comic but I have to always be low-key b/c y'know…smoochies are around in this pic. And the background, I couldn't really decide on how to make of it to where they'll be…I wanted for the scenery near the campfire (which makes sense) but I felt like adding another night scene would been too much from my recent pics. Well at least I was able to finish this pic despite of my exhausted efforts but knowing it's a comic, mayb I should redo on my original idea for my other friend's TwiDash request. I feel like the panels were hard as I was relying on a comic strip instead of making a regular comic page (5-6 panels).XD Anyhoo, I hope you guys enjoy my picture maybe for some extra LemonZap fluff to prove that it's the most superior Lemon ship!Welp…here's an caption.At the lake (Night) — WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING HERE?!? — Yeah, you guys seemed to ruin the moment with my Zappie! — You can place the blame on Twilight's furry friend… — Why, we're simply having a stroll and overheard you two… — iIt's a good thing we stopped them, otherwise they'll make alot of moaning sounds that the whole camp can hear~ — blushes deep red ME AND LEM JUST BECAME A COUPLE, NO WAY WE'RE GOING THAT FAST! — Awww but I like going fast…- Pause. — Don't ask on why I'm being dragged here yet let's go back…we can't be wasting anymore time as the play's tomorrow night!- Tch! Like I even care for some cheesy musical…folds her arms said musical featuring that annoying camp counselor as the lead… — Yeah, I admit Gloriosa is way too perky esp with her catchphrase…- She meant Timber Spruce — I'm annoyed too by my Sprucie being in the part with someone that annoying…glares at Lemon- How am i supposed to know that he'll volunteer? Besides, not like I'm into that guy even if he is nice yet I prefer a nice girlhugs Indigo — blushes — Wait! I think I have an idea! — We feed Lemon with fish tacos so I can take her place? — Not gonna happen, dude… — Close but no, instead we can substitute Timber for Indigo to play the male lead! — … — BEST PLAN EVER! I'LL GET THE FISH TACOS! — NO, WE'RE NOT GONNA FOOD POISON TIMBER! — What I mean is that this… — Indigo can play the male lead of the soldier IF she's willing to play the part better than Timber… — Hold up, why would you want someone like ME to take part of the play? — B/C you like meeeeeeeeflutters her eyes — rubs her neck Yeah… — Plus the soldier character seems to fit you as you want to join the military after you graduate- But soldiers don't sing and dance… — huffs Well jocks don't sing and dance either and look what happened? 2 sequels… — So basically, High School Musical… — Meaning, Zap Effron with Lemon Hudgens!- giggles That can work well… — and Indigo's the Troy to myself as the Gabriella! — Ugh fine…no more comparing me to that cheesy movie! — Says the girl who wants to be extra cheesy with that acoustic guitar… — Touche… — So uh…where do I start?- Tomorrow morning…but be extra early! B/C I need to prepare for the play and I'm sure you'll get the hang of the choreography! — I can't wait… — LISTEN INDIGO, YOU BEST PLAY YOUR PART, I DON'T WANT MY FUTURE HUSBAND TO KISS LEMON, YOU GOT THAT?!? — Okay, okay! Besides not like I'll let that happen since… — Lem's my girlfriend…shyly glances towards Lemon — I'm sure you'll do your best, ZappieNext morning— watches the sun rising from the sky Well I'm here yet everyone else is sleeping… — Except for me! — Morning Lemon… — Morning sexy- blushes bright pink LEM! — What? You're my girlfriend so how else am I gonna greet you?leans in and kisses her on the cheek — Look, I'm here to try my best for the part so let's not get distracted with each other and get on with it! — You must really want Timber to be replaced, don't you? — I don't hate the guy but yeah, I need to do my part! — Well even if you didn't get the part, we can always go for Plan B…- What's Plan B? — We feed him fish tacos! — I'm okay with that! — opens the door Then let's go in! — How did you manage to get the keys? — jingles he keys i snuck in the office* So we're good to go!Inside— I think I got this…considering that I have to sing and dance with you… — Yup! I know you're pretty awkward whenever you're on stage yet since you're gonna be with me, I'm sure you'll pull this off! — Yeah… — LET'S DO THIS!Later/ — In our special plaaaaaaaaace — leans close towards Indigo and closes her eyes — does the same and both shares a short kiss… — smacks her lips Hmm…you're not a bad kisser, Indigo~ — *blushes I had experience…with pillows… — giggles Well I'm the real thing and I'm more better than a pillow since I can kiss good and cuddle good too! — Eheh… — clears throats Can we not get distracted with the lovey-dovey stuff, please?- Well you are the person who insisted that Indigo can be the male lead instead of Timber…in speaking of him… — Did ZapZap got the part? — I'm not quite sure, dearie… — INDIGO, I'M SO GONNA KILL YOU! — I'M SORRY! — Who am I kidding? You got the part, Indy! — screams IM SO HAPPY! — AND STOKED! — Wow….how about that…I guess that's good that I'll be playing alongside my girl…Timber Spruce: What's going on? — IN YOUR FACE, TIMBER! I GOT THE LEADING PART OVER YOU! — YEAH! EVEN THOUGH, WE ORIGINALLY GONNA FEED YOU FISH TACOS SO MY GIRLFRIEND CAN TAKE YOUR PLACE— What? It's as good as our current plan! — not another word…AND ONWARDS TO THE CREDITS!Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony: EqGProgram used: Gimp 2.6Layers: 6-7Time Taken: A few days My Little Pony © Hasbro/DHX MediaMy Little Pony: EqG © Hasbro/DHX MediaDrawn by RainbowYoshi305