Upvotes at import: 55 | Stars at import: 38
Posted previously at: 2017-03-19T11:16:15 | Posted previously by: Sarsath
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Fluttershy? Yoo-hoo, Fluttershy!
That's not Fluttershy, that's Flutterbat!
- We've gotta get her down from there!
(SCOFFS) Fluttershy, sweetness, please come
down. And do stop being a vampire bat.
Fluttershy, it's me, Rainbow Dash! Why don't
you cut the bat act and come on down?!
Whoa. Maybe we'll just let her come down
when she's ready.
PINKIE PIE: Flutterbat on the loose!
Run for your lives!
Pinkie Pie, calm down. See? She's back on her branch.
- She's just biding her time, waiting for the right moment
to pounce!
APPLEJACK: Pinkie Pie, bats don't eat
ponies. Not even vampire bats.
PINKIE PIE: But maybe vampire ponies eat
other ponies! I'm not taking any chances!