I was inspired to make this after Hasbro released a Blooper Reel(of all things) to the Equestria Girls: Friendship Games Movie, it featured a bunch of purposely animated Bloopers similar to those found during the ending credits of many of the animated Disney/Pixar Films, as well as a bunch of Jokes that the Animators wanted to throw in just for laughs, I liked the 3rd to Final Scene the best because it featured Human Rainbow Dash riding on Pony Rainbow Dash thinking it was AWESOME, not only does it show something that could potentially happen, but it also felt similar to when the G1 MLP Pegasus Ponies had the Human Character Megan Williams ride on their backs, like shown here when she rode on the back of Firefly(the G1 Pegasus that G4 Rainbow Dash was based off of, I know that Lauren Faust originally intended to have Firefly as a Main Character in FiM, but Hasbro wanted Lauren to include Rainbow Dash, so she changed Firefly into a re-imagining of Rainbow Dash) in the Original Pilot Special of the G1 MLP Animated Series, So if Humans & Ponies could interact with each other back in G1 MLP, then whose to say that the G4(FiM) Ponies can't interact with their EQG Human Counterparts without either side having to transform into the Other's species?