Seson 1 and 2 CMC I could totally see this but these three have grown up to at the very least, Teen Years.(hense their cutiemarks) And yet throughout this episode they behave like season 1 and 2 CMC for most of the episode… This isn't the Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo I know and it doesn't upset me but it makes me annoyed that the writers didn't pay attention to the growth these three have had in comparison to the mane six.
From their ideas to helping big mac hook up with surgarbell, to their behavior in general, it just made them look so much more childish than they are. I mean look at the previous episode JUST BEFORE THIS ONE for peats sake! Forever Filly! It points out that she's growing up! What happened? Did she take an immaturity pill or something?![]()
As much as I hate this rabbit…these were my exact reactions as the episode went on…
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