New MLP Episode inspired art for my MLP Season 7 Episode Art collection!
Season 7, Episode 10: A Royal Problem
Oh gosh this episode, so many interesting things to it. Already just seeing a bit of the princesses daily lives is great, and then they did Daybreaker's debut. Geez.
It's fun seeing a bit confirmed on what I imagined Celestia's situation to be. I always saw her as having that big responsibility and being the face of Equestria. And well, I guess she always has to be the smiling face of Equestria hah!
Then there were the faces here and there hah, and the dream bubbles, the pancakes, the other little things and those, and these, and hahahah, it was a properly filled episode basically.
Though of course I had to make this piece. At first I sketched out a full body one, but… I anticipated some struggles with the big fricking flaming mane, so I downsized to a more close up portrait.
Been meaning to try and get a bit more focus again, although I'm lacking a certain flow to it, I've been stagnant between pieces too much, too much downtime basically. Getting rusty.
Approx Time: 5-6?
Photoshop CC
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