"Ah know it hurts right now, honey. When ah lost ma husband, I hurt for a real long time. But ya got a good, strong family behind ya now. Ya may be ma son's wife, but ah'm yer mama now. And yer mama's gotcha, Buttercup."
Initially, I was going to use dark colors for a more melancholy tone, but I decided for a bit brighter mood to both contrast with the emotion of the piece but also show that Buttercup, while being pretty heartbroken over the abandonment of her father, is looking to a new and brighter future.
Okay can we like, talk about Granny Smith for a sec? Like, how pretty freakin' amazing this character is? She most likely lost her husband when Bright Mac was pretty young, so she raised him, it appears, by herself. Then she completely opens up to Buttercup after she realizes what pain she's willing to go through for her son. THEN SHE LOSES BOTH OF HER CHILDREN, and raises three very young ponies by herself while keeping a FARM running, teaching them both about life and work, and keeping them happy. Like damn, Granny, you're pretty cool.
well, you guys said you were okay with spam, so here ya go. My emotions got the better of me this morning so I whipped this up. As a lot of you know some folks I thought were really close to me disowned me for no reason. I've been trying not to whine about everything, but my own mama has proved to be a great comfort and i love her so much. so here is a dedication.
yay random moms
Characters, MLP:FiM © Hasbro, Lauren Faust
Art © 2018