Author’s description from post on dA: The final drawing from last night’s Picarto stream. It was request for a wet mane Celestia. Now this drawing has many possible titles. Such as:
But Princess I thought you liked sprinkles on you cake?
New lawn ornament in 3, 2, 1.
Unexpected solar activity surprises astronomers across Equestria.
What matters more than the title you pick for this piece is that Discord is going to learn that Celestia is normally a very wise, understanding, caring, and gentle mare. Except if you deliberately rain on her cake. Then all bets are off.
You know what goes well with cake. Coffee. If you enjoy what you see here consider buying me a Ko-Fi
Upvotes at import: 225 | Stars at import: 159 Posted previously at: 2018-08-19T19:13:52
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