Genie Applejack: Probably won’t go as far as putting a curse like that on them, but if ah catch them or hear they’re in t’ act of doing another scam they’re quickly going t’ reap what they sowed when they genified me.
((I’m actually going to change format a bit on thoughts on episodes. If I really want to talk about an episode I’ll still give a thoughts about it but otherwise just ask me specific asks over on my mod blog if you want my opinion on anything specific about an episode I don’t explicitly give a link to thoughts about. Don’t worry this isn’t a case of “This episode is so bad, I don’t want to talk about it”. It’s just there are something about the episode that I may want to save for later and/or I don’t have a lot to say. Heck my thoughts on Season 8 episodes I feel have been much shorter on average then when I gave thoughts on earlier episodes but that’s not because I feel like Season 8 is bad or anything. I just somehow feel there’s not much for me to talk about for much of these episodes.
I’ll probably leave no thoughts for the next two episodes after this one as well. But I will probably have some things to say for Episodes 19-22 since I feel like I have some things to say for each of them and/or they kinda too important to just toss over))