I swear i don't have a problem.
I used a hilarious about of lines from Match to make this one including lines from the following images:
>>1856870 (Specifically a personal version i made with (with some help) that's not posted here of her without the yoke, box, or axe)
As well as others and several lines from several of my completed edits.
I honestly think this is the best i've done so far. I'm particularly proud of how i got the chest muscles to look more realistic towards the shoulder and how those muscles actually connect from an anatomy standpoint. I have a couple of self nitpicks, but i won't pull my hair out overt them… COUGHtheabsarekindofbigandwhatsupwithheroppositehipCOUGH. hahaaaaaa well… It's still turned out very well, easily my favorite final product thus far in terms of satisfaction to nitpick ratio.
So enjoy some pumped up Fleet, and knowing me, there's likely going to be more :)
As always i do not claim ownership of ANY OF THIS. All of the lines and art that i use to make these belong 100% to Matchstickman. I just do this for funzies.