Official art for Buck: Legacy card game, illustrated by Secret-Pony, the illustration depicts an exiled Nagapon Princess. The card is a race card that appears in the ’Golden Age’ expansion pack.
In Nagapon society, the Queen's daughters are 'Princesses' who each control their own army who tussle among each other for supremacy, if a Princess or her clan is seen as being too weak the other Princesses will remove her from the competition for the crown by force.
Nagapon Princesses rarely survive the ordeal, as her sisters pillage her armies for soldiers and supplies, they dispose of the defeated Princess along with her royal retinue (the most loyal companions). If her royal retinue defends her well, they may be able to sneak her into Loria, where she lives in exile.
Exiles can never control their own clan and can never be Queen. All that's left is a burning desire to avenge her companions, so exiles they live as Adventurers, fighting against her brothers to eventually exact her revenge upon her traitorous sisters. They are naturally distrusted by ponies and would be arrested and trialled for war crimes should they set foot in a city, but their tenacity against their own kin and incredibly natural strength makes them a powerful ally for any squad.
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