This is the last of a seven-part series commissioned by someone on Deviant Art, based on the "purse meme" going around awhile ago. All purses and outfits are designed by me, with a lot of help and inspiration from Our Grand High Ruler, Google.
Here we have Fluttershy and the contents of her purse. Rarity designed her purse and outfit, like everyone else's. Rarity especially loves to design for Fluttershy because she's naturally graceful, and wears clothes better than almost anyone. Rarity is particularly proud of her shoe design for this outfit.
Purse contents, left to right, top to bottom:
Extra hair-bands
Phone and earbuds- Complete with photo wallpaper of herself and her beloved Angel.
Bags for animal food- Because one never knows when a hungry animal will cross one's path.
Feathers- Gathered from the ground because they looked pretty.
Folding comb/brush- This is for her animals friends, and she keeps it in a plastic bag for reasons of hygiene.
Coin-purse- Not necessary, since she has a wallet, but Applejack gave it to her and she loves to use it.
Travel first-aid kit- In case there's an injured animal in her path.
Notebook and pen- Among other things, Fluttershy keeps a log of animals she helps and where they live. She often has to draw maps for that.
Water bottle