Alice Angel custom pony
Decided I needed to make my version of Alice Angel from Bendy & The Ink Machine.
Pony base is a generation 4 McDonalds pony. Coated the whole figure in white gesso to give the paint a texture to bond to, bull body repaint in white and ivory acrylics, All black parts painted in white acrylics. All paint sealed in Artists Varnish.
Her devil’s tail is cut from thick black leather. Her skirt and black gloves are thin faux black vinyl, white gloves are white bias tape stitched to a frilly trim. Pearl rhinestone detail on white glove, white bow on chest.
Her horns are cut from thick white leather, her halo is shaped from silver flat aluminum wire.
#aliceangel #devil #bendyandtheinkmachine #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #mlpfim #friendshipisAlice #evilIsMagic #videogame #mlpcustom #custompony #handpainted #leather #textiles #artisancraft #generation4 #g4 #mlpfandom #ponyfandom #bendyfandom
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