I've made several replicas of Day Breaker, and Nightmare Moon (these ones are long gone sold) but I don't see the replica commissions ever stopping so feel free to request away!
This is the 6th Day Breaker I’ve done, and 3rd Nightmare Moon custom I’ve ever done
Pony bases are china princess fakies. Their legs get smooshed together in transit so I boiled them to reposition the legs. Figures coated in white gesso to provide a texture for acrylics to bond to. Wings, face, and cutie mark hand painted, then sealed in Artists Varnish.
Daybreaker’s armor was traced onto faux brown vinyl, then painted in several layers of oranges, golds and sealed in gold glitter acrylics. Crown is a chest crest from another princess pony figure, with rhinestones giving it’s unique design, all painted in acrylics and finished with a red rhinestone in the middle.
Fangs are white leather. Also made Nightmaremoon’s chest crest from silver vinyl, and painted it.
Mane and tail are orange, yellow and white mohair.
Nightmare Moon’s mane and tail are a type of thin wool from Ewe & Eye shop. I have it in bulk so I can keep making more of these.
#Nightmaremoon #chaosSisters #DayBreaker #ChaosOfSol #SunPrincess #SisterOfChaos #Celestia #HoldYourHorsesCelestia #mlpcustom #custompony #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #mlpfim #FriendshipIsChaos #DayBreakerIsMagic #artisancraft #handpainted #leatherArmor
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