One day, Fluttershy is waiting for Rainbow Dash at the school soccer field when she suddenly encounters an Equestrian unicorn named Spiral Swirl, who claims to be a hypnotist. As a demonstration of her skills, she offers to hypnotize Fluttershy into being more confidant. The shy girl agrees and begins to lock her eyes on the pony's swinging gold watch. Fluttershy easily falls into a trance (gaining black spirals in her eyes as a result) and Spiral Swirl has her walk around the field with her arms floating in front of her like a sleepwalker. Rainbow Dash suddenly appears in time to witness the hypnotized Fluttershy sleepwalking around the field. When Rainbow takes notice of Spiral Swirl, the hypnotist decides to entrance her as well and has Rainbow lock eyes on her watch, telling the athlete that she is becoming very sleepy….
Upvotes at import: 105 | Stars at import: 77 Posted previously at: 2019-06-13T01:56:08
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