Recuerdo haber visto el especial "Spring Breakdown", y luego lei una teoria de que pasaria si los padres de Applejack (Poni) esta en el universo de Equestria Girls, pense tiene algo de sentido ya que si existen portales entre Equestria y el mundo humano pudieron haber caido en uno de ellos.
Si todos creen que estan muertos, puede ser porque la familia Apple y amigos pudieron haber visto que ellos cayeron en arenas movedisas o pudieron ser atacados por una planta carnivora y fueron arrastrados por el portal hacia al mundo humano.
Luego se me ocurrio otra loca teoria, que tal si Ragamuffin es el hijo de Pear Butter y Bright Mac, es totalmente loco, lo se y es muy poco probable, pero recuerdo que las chicas (Human 7) se sorprendieron por lo mucho que se parecia a Applejack (humana).
Y luego se me ocurrio, ¿y si los padres de Applejack estan en el mundo humano y al no saber como regresar a Equestria…. siguieron con su vida y tuvieron a Ragamuffin?
Es una teoria muy poco probable, ademas como ambas series ya estan llegando a su fin (almenos MLP) no creo que sea posible ver si es cierto o no esta teoria, aunque podria ser una idea para realizar un crossover entre MLP y Equestria Girls, sin embargo no creo que los escritores tomen en cuenta una idea asi.
La verdad es que quisiera saber mas acerca de los padres de Applejack para al menos deducir que les sucedio.
I remember seeing the special "Spring Breakdown", and then I read a theory of what would happen if the parents of Applejack (Pony) are in the universe of Equestria Girls, I thought it makes some sense since there are portals between Equestria and the human world , they may have fallen into one of these.
Everyone thinks they are dead, but it may be because the Apple family and friends may have seen them that they fell on quicksand or could be attacked by a carnivorous plant and were dragged through the portal into the human world.
Then I came up with another crazy theory, and what if Ragamuffin is the son of Pear Butter and Bright Mac … I know, it's very unlikely, but I remember that the girls (Human 7) were surprised to see how he looked like to Applejack (human).
And then it occurred to me, what if Applejack's parents are in the human world and not knowing how to return to Equestria … continued with his life and had Ragamuffin?
It is a theory with a null possibility, and as both series are already ending (at least MLP) I do not think it is possible to see if this theory is true or not, although it could be an idea to make a crossover between MLP and Equestria Girls. However, I don't think writers want to use such a concept.
The truth is that I would like to know more about Applejack's parents to at least deduce what happened to them.
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