After watching the The Mane Attraction a while ago, I saw Sveengallop as the antagonist of the story that every one loves to hate and I am no exception to that rule. I did like his design with he full three piece suit, the look of the typical self-conceded young executive how think he is entitled to very thing and doesn't care what he does to get it.
This piece was a practice for me to see if I could draw a scene/ setting with multiple MLP characters with the more"realistic " look to them and that are doing common activities with a medium level detailed background. I think I succeed in that endeavor, if at least I feel that I managed to finish in an "reasonable time frame" of about 16 hours of work, which still feel like it is taking way too much time for me to do seen their are professional that can do this in less then a third of the time with more detail to it.
I did like drawing and design Sveengallop to adapt him to look more like a real pony, all the while trying to keep him recognizable to the views how are familiar with him, which was harder then it looks other then the three piece suit that he has, but I discovered drawing a curly mane and tail in a credible way id a lot harder to make it look good. Making look like he is smearing at Pinky all the while talking down to her was a hard trick to pull and fun. Still, I think I did a good job in doing the texture and drapery of his suit giving it just the right amount foaled in the joint part to make is look credible.
The background ponies where fun to do, especially the beige one which came out really well with her angle. Caramel and cherry marked one holding and paned glass look good, but fortunately Sveengalop obscured then. The pegasuss is over muscled for my taste but still look good doe.
the background scene cam in late in the development, as usual, and without having to think very hard on how to go about it, I did a nice atmosphere effect to it. The ground was a new approach to in going about it, I didn't go too much work into the details but still create a good effect. The dirt is just a texture effect layer that was distorted into perspective with a few brush strokes to give it a more natural look to it. The lawn was sort of the same expect I went with a grain effect cloud to it with just adding as few grass strands to it, which looks great to me at least. the pines was a quick tryout to draw them in large numbers, which I think I could have gotten more into detail with the closer ones, i didn't want to get bogged down into going into detail with them, and the mountains was fairly the same approach to it. The clouds where, as always, fun do do, and I think I am getting the hang of at drawing them, even do I have a long way still to go with it
Pinky was the last edition and it was hard to get her into that unusual angle for me and was difficult to make her recognizable and cute which sadly I believe that I failed in that endeavor, as I feel that I didn't practiced drawing siting horses enough to do it justice.
At this point I think I have reached the limit of my skills of being able to to do digital painting using traditional approach on my own, and I have to pay more attention on more technical guides in digital painting. I will also need to go back in doing more detailed line art before applying more any gray scales or colors like have been doing for a while now; It was good going directly into colors for a while and helped me to have a better intuitive understanding of color theory, and have a more traditional approach to my work but now I need to alternate my method again, so that I can explore other avenues in my drawing.
During the summer I spent most of summer to just start out drawing construction lines of what I wanted to draw and immediately go start with the colors under it, and then add the light and shadows to it it. Now I see that I will have to go more into the details of preparation stages before going the coloring or shading, and I am ready for it now. I still need to finish my backlog of images that I still have to finish but it is getting there at least.