Page 164 — The Last Beat-'Em-Up
All in all, Everfree Northwest was kind of a mixed bag for me. How I felt about it really changed from hour to hour.
During the times where I was watching a panel and hanging out with bronies, I was having the time of my life. During the times where I was bored, put off by humongous lines and my inability to obtain autographs and merchandise due to being poor, I was absolutely miserable.
Overall, pretty great. Lots of room for improvement. Since this was my first con ever, I've learned a lot about going to these things. But who knows? Maybe, 12 months from now, I'll have enough clout to be a part of a panel or event of my own. We'll have to wait and see.
Transcript:Rainbow Dash: THAAAT’S IT! I’ve been patient, I’ve been nice, but this is literally the last straw!
Applejack: Uh-oh. You mean…
Rainbow Dash: You betcha “I mean!” I sat here and waited for ALL of your little alternative options! We’ve tried Diplomacy… Bluff… whatever it is the bard does! It’s time to show this dragon we mean business! I’m charging in!
DM: Oh, are you now…?
Applejack: That look… Rainbow Dash, don’t! It’s…!
Rainbow Dash: Hey, dragon! Roll for Initiative, jerkwad!