Page 174 — A Modicum of Grace
The strange and magical thing about a good RPG session is that a triumphant climax can make up for earlier slumps or rough patches. This is generally true of all experiences, but nowhere does it come up more frequently than at the weekly table.
Transcript:DM: Okay. The dragon promises to pack up his hoard and find another place to sleep. You are able to make your way down the mountain without incident, and as you return to Ponyville proper, you can see the dragon circling the mountain a few times before flying off somewhere to the southeast. Now that the source of it has been stopped, the smoke can be removed completely. Over the course of the next day, the pegasus weather teams work to clear out all the smoke the dragon had been snoring. In no time at all, Equestria has sunny skies again, thanks to you.
Applejack: Great. Why do ya sound disappointed?
DM: I’m not. Well, I’m not unhappy you won. Though I DID like playing that dragon… And I wish you’d taken the more interesting routes…
Rarity: But what’s done is done?
DM: Yeah. You girls made a dragon feel legitimately guilty. Nothing I can do about that.