Page 202 — Guessing Game, Go
There's nothing I personally dislike more in a roleplaying game than paranoia — of not knowing whether someone is evil or not, whether we're about to walk into a trap or not, whether the lead we're investigating is a waste of time or not. Sometimes we can make a judgment call based on what we know, maybe hedge our bets a little, and not feel too bad about the consequences. At other times we find ourselves knowing absolutely nothing after exhausting every possibility, but the pace of the game demands that the group move forward regardless. That's when bad decisions start happening.
Being a Diplomancer is tough, man!
Transcript:Pinkie Pie: But… But… She lives in the Everfree Forest! Isn’t THAT suspicious?!
Twilight Sparkle: Hmm… Well, she’s no normal civilian then.
Rarity: Neither are we, and WE’RE not evil.
Rainbow Dash: Ahem.
Twilight Sparkle: …not ALL evil.
Pinkie Pie: Wha… But she… Hey, what’s the big idea, DM?
DM: Hm?
Pinkie Pie: You told me Zecora was evil! Now we’re saying she’s not??
Applejack: Ah. So Pinkie got the info early this week, like Twilight did last time?
DM: Short answer… yes. I gave her what the “common knowledge” about Zecora was.
Pinkie Pie: I even wrote a sonnet about her!
Rainbow Dash: Ugh. Here we go…