Page 207 — The Walking Dread
Recently, the Brony Bookclub podcast mentioned the comic (for the second time, in fact), and even brought up a few D&D stories of their own! I try not to revel in this stuff too much, but I think the storytelling makes it worth it this time around.
You can watch the whole episode here [dead link] (it's kinda interesting, covering a lot of alternative media in the fandom), or just watch the Friendship is Dragons and D&D storytelling part here.
Transcript:DM: Zecora notices you moving towards her… and starts walking away.
Twilight Sparkle: Zecora? Hello? We just want to talk!
DM: The hooded zebra doesn’t answer. She keeps a steady pace as she canters to the edge of town…
Rainbow Dash: The silent treatment isn’t helping things any!
DM: …then to the outskirts…
Rarity: Just nod or something if you’re mute.
DM: …and finally to the edge of the Everfree Forest.
Apple Bloom: Ah don’t get it. Why doesn’t Zecora want to talk to us?
Rainbow Dash: Maybe she’s afraid of getting lynched.
Applejack: Six young women and a couple of kids do not a lynch mob make.
Rainbow Dash: Still managed to run her out of town…