Page 499 — Diversified Portfolio
If nothing else, being a DM is a great way to practice making lots and lots of characters for a variety of narrative functions. Over time, it gets easier to make new ones, especially if you *cough* have a group that loves to get attached to one-note placeholders, forcing you to improvise and characterize on the fly *cough*.
On a completely unrelated note, an exceptionally dramatic session of Fallout is Dragons is coming. Unfortunately, it came to a choice between staying up all night to power through the worst of it, or getting some actual sleep, and for once I chose the sanity-preserving option. I expect to have it all uploaded by this evening, but for now I submit this as an appetizer.
Also, looks like we're almost at 500…A day late and a dollar short, here's the next Fallout is Dragons!
Session 24: Libsyn YouTube
Transcript:DM: Then an exceptionally small colt with a brown spotted body awkwardly pushes his way to the front, donned in a pirate costume complete with rubber sword.
Pipsqueak: Pipsqueak the pahrate at yore service!
Pinkie Pie: Heeheehee!
DM: I know, I know.
Rainbow Dash: Look alive, everyone. A named NPC. With an accent. Probably gonna be important.
Rarity: This would be the part where I make him completely inconsequential just to subvert your expectations…
Pipsqueak: I just moved here from Trottingh’m, and it’s my very first Nightmare Night EVAH!
Applejack: False alarm. It’s just a worldbuilding character. Move along, nothing to see here.
DM: <siiigh>
Twilight Sparkle: “Trottingham”…?
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