Page 558 — Shuffling the Deck
We're about less than a week away from this arc's ending, and I'm probably not going to get a whole lot of guest comics for the intermission round coming up. So what I'm probably going to do is use a mini-arc idea I've been sitting on for a while… I'd rather keep it a surprise, but I'll leave it at that.
Transcript:DM: I think that about wraps up Nightmare Night. I’m pleased to inform you that you’ve all leveled up!
Rainbow Dash: Aww yeah!
DM: So make sure to update your sheets to Level 8 before next week.
Twilight Sparkle: So… what about Luna and Rarity? Who are we getting next time?
Princess Luna: Probably Luna.
Twilight Sparkle: Why?
Princess Luna: I feel like the story’s shaping up to be investigation into and vengeance upon the Thieves Guild. As Luna, I can get behind that 100%. But as Rarity? They raised her. They made her. She… can’t bring herself to lift a hoof against them, no matter what happens. So this seems to be my path: To use Luna to avenge Rarity.
Twilight Sparkle: But… we’re the Elements of Harmony. I don’t want to leave her behind.
Princess Luna: Neither do I. She’ll be around if you need that Element. Just don’t expect much else.