Page 589 — Twenty Percent Skill
Improvising mundane but necessary non-combat events can be tricky as a DM. There's the natural desire to put in challenge and chances for failure, chances for the players to prove themselves… but it's also dangerously easy for the little details to become a pace-halting tangent all their own.
Oh my gosh, Fallout is Dragons is back! Maybe. I might have forgotten how long it takes to edit one of these things and it's not done yet. If not, it'll be here tomorrow for sure.
Transcript:DM: Alright. Now that you've come up with your plan, time for the execution! Pinkie, roll Streetwise to convince the townsfolk to come out on the event day.
Pinkie: You got it! <roll>
DM: Applejack and Rainbow Dash, roll Strength to carry in all the heavy supplies.
Applejack: Uh…
Rainbow Dash: Okay…?
DM: Twilight, you'll have to roll Intelligence to remain impartial.
Twilight Sparkle: Huh?!
DM: Well, your character might be emotionally compromised during the proceedings. Fluttershy and Rarity…
Twilight Sparkle: Look, I get that we can't exactly say we just did this and be done with it, but do we have to roll for every single little thing?
DM: …Okay. I won't make you do the Dungeoneering check, then.
Applejack: Dungeoneering?
Twilight Sparkle: What on earth does that have to do with…?
DM: No no, you've convinced me. It's clearly not necessary.