Page 619 — Quid Pro Nil
Any stories about turning a table ruling around? Whether it's the players on the DM or the DM against the players?
Mawlers Take Manehattan should have a new episode today! This one has me at the helm again.
Session 3 — The Lemonade Standoff: Libsyn YouTube
Transcript:DM: Applejack, the path you're on swiftly becomes a winding, climbing one through a rocky part of the land…
Applejack: Wha?
DM: …that eventually ends in a tall cliff.
Applejack: …Oh no.
Rainbow Dash: HAAAAHAHAHA! Gotcha! Ooooh, I got you so good!
Applejack: But you… How did you… Oh, you… Mmmrgh.
Twilight Sparkle: You did nothing, right?
Rainbow Dash: Duh! The best way to beat a metagamer is to let them beat themselves. Now there's nothing between me and that ticket!
Twilight Sparkle: But, if you waited to make sure Applejack went down that path… And now you're talking to me in last place… That means…
Rainbow Dash: Wait, I thought this was out-of-character!
DM: Sorry, evil laughter is NOT a free action. I should know; you've interrupted enough of my villains' monologues.