Page 688 — The Dork Side
It's a busy time of the year, but not as busy for me as four weeks from now, apparently, because that's when Page 700 drops. Not to mention that date itself is three days away from the podcast's second anniversary. Hmm…
Session 51 of Fallout is Dragons is coming, which puts to rest the evil, evil cliffhanger I utterly enjoyed putting up at the end of Session 50. The end of an era…
Session 51 — Enclave Remnants: Libsyn YouTube (uploading)
Transcript:Pinkie Pie: "'No, Butterfly… I am your father!'"
Applejack: Alright, alright, I'll tell everypony what's goin' on. Just PLEASE stop talkin'!
Twilight Sparkle: I guess we come out of the woodwork, then.
Rarity: <siiiiiigh…> Yes; we were watching from afar, after all.
Fluttershy: Let me be the first to apologize for this very unpleasant idea…
DM: …You're all lucky I'm a glutton for punishment. Consider this to be on the Mr. Welch list from now on.
Fluttershy: The what?
DM: Nnnnevermind. Say… You aren't ACTUALLY writing a campaign story in that style, are you?
Pinkie Pie: What? Nah. I made it all up! Well, most of it. Some of it's based off the adaptation novel SHE'S writing!
Rainbow Dash: HEY! That was gonna be a surprise!