Page 689 — Regular Promises
We never established Pinkie Promises in this series? Well, probably for the better. There are some powers you want to avoid giving your players.
Actually, the Pony Tales/Living Legends system has a Pinkie Promise-style power. It has a clause forbidding coercion, though — the targets have to accept the binding promise willingly. So naturally, I rarely ever saw it used.
Transcript:Applejack: Okay, ya got me, but… Can it wait until tomorrow at breakfast?
Rainbow Dash: Seriously?! All day we've been doing this, and you want to delay even more?
Fluttershy: Maybe tonight at dinner instead?
Applejack: Look, after everythin' you've done at me, can y'all at least gimme the courtesy of pickin' the time and place? There's a lot more harvest to be done, which is very important, and Ah'll be putting in late hours makin' up for mah mishap earlier. Besides, Ah gotta put my thoughts together… There's a lot to cover; gotta figure out how ta say it…
Rainbow Dash: Uh-huh. Suuuure…
Pinkie Pie: You'd better promise to be there. Your honest reputation is on the line! …We wouldn't happen to have some kind of geas power or ritual in the party, would we?
DM: One, no. Two, that'd be kind of overkill for this. Three, no.