Hey, we actually have a new Fallout is Dragons this week! The stars aligned after all. Session 55 — The Next Generation: LibsynYouTube
Saddle Rager: Ugh… Mane-iac: At last! Masked Matter-horn: What did that thing do to us? Pharaoh Phetlock: Sweet! Check out my speed modifier now! Shadowmane: A lasso. <sigh> Radiance: You… You took our powers?! Long-Face: Yes. Um… Sorry. Masked Matter-horn: You can't… The ponies here need us… Mane-iac: Don't worry! Think of it as a vacation! You've all worked so hard. Now you can catch up with all your "friends!" Like your useless sidekick here. High Heel: Hold on, so… This and my gear, my attack bonus is… Oh. Perfect! Smudge: ZZZURG! Mane-iac: We are all now two in one. Who can stop us? Certainly not you, Powerless Ponies. Put them all in the cage. It's their turn to rot in prison. AH HA HAA!
Upvotes at import: 18 | Stars at import: 15 Posted previously at: 2019-09-06T23:26:28
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