Page 727 — City of Villains, Part 12
I'm certain we've covered this before, but I'm focused on Mane-iac's threat up there. Any stories about creative threats or attempts at intimidation? (Please, PLEASE don't get too graphic with this one. I said "creative.")
We've got another Fallout is Dragons coming! But I was sick this week. (Possibly as karma for a very bad thing I did in a video game.) I didn't have as much time to work on the editing, but I should be close. It'll be up tonight or tomorrow!Fallout is Dragons — Session 56 — End of Voodoo:
Libsyn YouTube
Transcript:Fili-Second: That Pharaoh guy should be here any second!
Mistress Mare-velous: Roger!
Masked Matter-horn: Shadowmane and High Heel are right behind us! Are we all prepared?
Radiance (sing-song): Allll-moo-ooost!
Zapp: Get it done! They're here!
Radiance (sing-song): Cut me some slaa-aack!
Mane-iac: I'll grind you all into hair gel! And sell you to only the cheapest salons!
Radiance: Activating!
Mane-iac: Oh, they're all here? Then… Wait, what?
Mane-iac: Oh. This must look very ironic.
Masked Matter-horn: What's your next order, Mane-iac?
Mane-iac: Number two… Truce?