Page 734 — Storm Time
Author: Winged Cat
Guest Author's Note: "Tell us of a time when the weather mattered, particularly if it was at all under the control of the Pcs. I'll go first: 'It was a dark and stormy night, but we all had night vision and we were counting on the rain to put the fires out, not to mention wash the dust out of the air.'"
Newbiespud's Note: Though they have individual titles, this last set of guest comics is a four-page series!
Transcript:Rainbow Dash: Storm time! STORM TIME! Bringing the lightning, bringing the raaain!
Pinkie Pie: Sounds like a party! I'm there!
Rainbow Dash: Uh, you're an earth pony.
Fluttershy: Um, you can help me keep my little ones entertained. I wouldn't mind.
Pinkie Pie: Ack! Multiple parties! Tell me there's a feat for that!
Applejack: Guess that leaves you, an' you, an' me.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh! You could take shelter at my library!
Applejack: Good neough for me.
Rarity: Me too.
Applejack: Wait. Your library's in a tree. Is that really the safest place to be in a storm?
Twilight Sparkle: I've got a lightning rod. It's fine.
Applejack: Oh, phew. For a moment I thought…
Twilight Sparkle: What could possibly go wrong?
(horrified beat)
Twilight Sparkle: …what?
Rarity: We run back out into the rain.
Applejack: Rainbow Dash and dice rolls have mercy.