Page 802 — Pay to Not Play
True story.
This is actually what happened when the FiD characters leveled up to 8. It dates the comic a bit to have it happen in-universe (such a weird thing to say for this), but it solves a few problems at once to be able to kind of totally refresh their character sheets. It also means this arc isn't going to be a traditional session, but something much stranger. If you thought this comic went off the episode rails before…
For now, let's just call this whole arc Pinkie Pride.
In Patreon news, tomorrow I'm going to select the players for this month's patron-only one-shot campaign (or SpudShot, for short). If you're pledged even at the $1 level and you can make the time, you can submit a character application. (Link's in the patron-only post that went up Sunday.) And if you can't make it this month, there'll always be next month! I plan on making the SpudShot a recurring event on top of the next big main campaign I do. I'm going to be up to my neck in RPGs!
Transcript:DM: Well then. Last week, there was much ado about a hurricane and Breezies… But I forgot to mention that you also went up to level 9 last session! And then the trouble began.
Rainbow Dash: I can't believe Wizards locked us out like this!
DM: Yep. They're moving to 5th edition. Only users with an active D&D Insider subscription can still access the 4e tools, and I had to pause the one we were all sharing. Now we can't get back in.
Applejack: That's malarkey. And it's not just the character builder, it was the Compendium, too. Those were legitimately great tools on that service, and now we can't use them, on top of not being able to access our characters anymore.
DM: Yep, it sucks. So here's what we're doing today. I've got every handbook in the house, lots of blank character sheets, and an older standalone version of the builder software. And since it's one of our players' birthdays today, we'll just chill and make this kind of a–