Page 1025 — Running Drag
Looking back from our future of epic boss battle season finales and openers, it's almost kind of bold to see the first season end on what amounts to just a grand subversion of the whole "the girls go to the castle and their dreams come true" trope, all to play into a lesson about treasuring the company of friends more than your great expectations. It kinda stands alone against the rest of the show.
Still, it was fun to put… to put an epic… boss fight… in it…
Transcript:Spike: Come on… It couldn't have been that bad, right? It was a gala, not a dungeon full of dragons.
Rarity: You will PAY for that pun later.
Twilight Sparkle: <sigh> Can we just time-skip a bit…?
DM: Yeah. One recounting of events over a large platter of donuts later:
Spike: Geez, sounds like you had just about the Worst Night Ever!
Twilight Sparkle: Actually… you know what… We solved a mystery that was very important to my mentor…
Pinkie Pie: I got to sing a song to advance the plot!
Rainbow Dash: Plus we're totally getting rewarded for this, right?
Applejack: Definitely. No way there wasn't a bounty on that guy.
Rarity: And I emerged intact from a true test of character! All in all, this was…
Mane Six: THE BEST NIGHT EVER!!! Hahahahahaha!
Spike: Well, good! Wish I could say the same, but as long as you girls had fun, I guess…