Page 1034 — Ride Trapping
Author: Winged Cat
Guest Author's Note: "I was going to end Twilight's last line with, 'You are a trap!' Newbiespud thought that unwise on the Internet.
"Story Time prompt: the GM lets players stretch the rules a bit, and rather than accept it as an abstraction, they go explore the consequences of that stretch existing in the game world. Bonus points if, instead of the players ignoring the plot, that was how the GM got the players into the intended content."
Newbiespud's Note: And that's the end of this little guest arc! Thanks, Winged Cat! I've got a very very quick little IDW thing in the pipeline, only three pages or so, for a little bit more of a palette cleanser before we jump into Season Two.
Transcript:Twilight Sparkle: Well! If we're setting up our ride, we'll need horses to pull it.
Rarity: Easily done.
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah. I "disarm" some mice.
Rarity: …
Fluttershy: What? No!
Twilight Sparkle: It'll be fine. They'll turn back later.
Fluttershy: If I'm carrying them, I can apply my Will save, right?
DM: Sure. Roll it. Well, they transform, but not entirely.
Twilight Sparkle: Good enough!
Fluttershy: No! Don't use innocent mice like that! Hmm… oh, I know! I disarm Twilight's "trap"!
Twilight Sparkle: What?
Fluttershy: Just apply cat. They're still mice, right?
Rainbow Dash: Huh. Does the mice-horses' extra mass count as energy fields?
Applejack: Heh, no, I don't think that cat's in any danger of becoming an evil overlord.
DM: It's enough to chase them off, until they change back and lose the cat.
Twilight Sparkle: Great. So now how do we get horses to pull our carriage?
Rarity: Easy. We don't. It was described as "pony-drawn", not "horse-drawn". One Diplomacy check, and…
Twilight Sparkle: I keep forgetting. Why bother seeking out trap testing grounds? You're practically a dungeon full of them.
Rarity: Why, thank you!