Page 1062 — Quizzical Continuum
It's been so long that it's almost tricky to remember that this whole season premiere boils down to "What if the my little ponies went up against Q from Star Trek?"
Then again, given how much I'm hamming up Discord-GM's dialogue, I might as well boil this screencap comic arc down to "What if this group of fictional tabletop players went up against Actual John de Lancie?"
Transcript:Princess Celestia: What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?!
Discord: Really, I don't think it's that hard to figure out. I moved them. Took them. It wasn't exactly the heist of the century.
Discord GM: And with a mere snap of his two-dimensional fingers…
Discord GM: Discord demonstrates. In a flash, a two-dimensional icon of the Elements disappears from the glass as if it were never there. As if to imply, "It was as easy as that."
Pinkie Pie: Ohhhhhhhhhhh. Q.
Fluttershy: So he can narrate and change the world… We're up against a second DM??
Twilight Sparkle: I'd argue it's worse than just "another DM." In a normal game, if the DM has to change something, they try to make it invisible. I think that limiter's been taken off.