Page 1101 — Natural Riposte
I look back fondly on the moments my character became a fatalist in the face of the DM's latest world-ending seemingly inescapable crisis. A PC can't keep up their heroic spirit 100% of the time, and it feels true-to-life to break for a little while. It probably wasn't as fun for my fellow players, though.
Transcript:Butterflies (Discord): W-What could you possibly mean by that? Of course it matters what you say!
Fluttershy: Oh, sorry. My mistake. What I say matters up until the moment you find the right words to use against me. That's what this is all leading up to, isn't it? Same with the others? I had a feeling Discord was that kind of person when I heard you over the phone… I'm kind of relieved you're so obvious about it. He's basically a god, right? He doesn't need to fool me to hurt me. But by tricking me and trapping me, he's trying to make me feel like it's my own "fault" for being punished, right? That way, when it comes time to point fingers, no one's blaming Discord. Only themselves and each other. Against something like that, my only defense, really… is to try to take the fun out of it.
Discord: Rrrrgh, FINE! You "win." Here's your "prize."